It works in a very simple way, if you offer a week to exchange, you get a week in another Vivla house within the same season. This allows you to move on to enjoy the rest of the houses.

How do exchanges work?

When can it be exchanged?

It works in a very simple way, if you offer a week to exchange, you get a week in another Vivla house within the same season. This allows you to move on to enjoy the rest of the houses.
This is a 30-day period, which opens after the two rounds of choice of stays have closed, during which owners can request to exchange their stays with other owners.
It's simple: you can exchange between owners of the same VIVLA house or of different VIVLA houses in different destinations, as long as you do it within the same period of the election year and exchange the same number of stays. If the exchange is between different seasons, it will be done under a specific parity.
One owner will request it, and the Guest Experience Manager (GEM) will contact the other owner to confirm if there is mutual interest in the exchange.
Exchange requests from other owners will be analyzed to find the best match. Owners with weeks off within that requested season will be prioritized, followed by those with the most weeks of inactivity marked in that season.
The order of selection of the weeks according to Round 1 will also be taken into account. Therefore, there is an incentive to mark more weeks as No Use to increase the chances of exchange. We hope you find this information useful!